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Requirements/Guidelines for each assignment type:

Readings + Reflections
  • Submit 1/2 page reflections
  • Discussions, things you found interesting / unexpected / strange, questions, how does this relate to your interests and projects…
  • Not a summary 
Mini-Design Exercises
  • pick a problem in the focus area that affects a significant number of people
  • do research to read up on the problem and its symptoms, as well as existing designs/research
  • propose a creative, novel solution
  • present your design sketch in class (1 min)
  • also upload on form as 1/2-1 page, or sketches, drawings, video, …
Final Group Project
  • develop one of your designs
  • do further research into related science, user needs, relevant technologies, etc.
  • prototype/implement a version of your design
  • present your design (intermediate week 7 & final week 13) in class (10-15 min):
    • problem, related work, novel approach, use case, what did you learn, future work
  • write up final project (format should follow short conference paper, example)
    • abstract, introduction, related work, methods, system design, results, discussion, limitations/future work, conclusion


Week 1: Intro

1) Reading + Reflection

In preparation for class, please read these two readings, which deal with what cognitive augmentation is and why we should care about it. Please submit your reactions and reflections on the readings here before class–we will use these to inform the discussion!

Three Ways to Advance Science — Nick Bostrom

Augmenting Human Intellect and Amplifying Perception and Cognition – Albrecht Schmidt

Week 2: Augmenting Memory

1) Reading + Reflection

In preparation for the next class, please read the following excerpt from a thesis that gives a preview of the 1) frameworks on how human memory works and 2) technologies for augmenting memory (in the field of Human-Computer Interactions). Please submit your reactions and reflections here before class — these will be used to guide our in-class discussions.

Augmenting Human Prospective Memory Through Cognition-Aware Technologies 

2) Mini-Design Exercise 

Create one slide with your idea for a system that could augment or support some target user group with a memory related issue. This can be high level and does not necessarily have to be realizable with today’s technologies. Examples can be found at the top of the Google Slides document where you will upload your design. To be done before class as well. — Students will present their slides 2-min each during class.

Week 3: Sleep engineering

1) Reading + Reflection

Read the readings and submit a reflection

Sleeping in a Brave New World

Pick one from below:

Whole Night Continuous Rocking Entrains Spontaneous Neural Oscillations With Benefits for Sleep and Memory

Targeted dream incubation at sleep onset increases post-sleep creative performance

Sleep disruption by memory cues selectively weakens reactivated memories 

2) Create your profile on the google slides!

3) Mini-Design Exercise

Submit here! (should be focused on sleep!)


Week 4: Enhancing Reasoning & Decision Making

1) Readings + Reflections

Submit your reflections (1/2 page) here 

Summary of cognitive biases – Tversky and Kahneman 

Heuristics and biases: The Science of Decision making – Steve Dale


Don’t Just Tell Me, Ask Me: AI Systems that Intelligently Frame Explanations as Questions Improve Human Logical Discernment Accuracy over Causal AI explanations – Valdemar Danry et al. 

Wearable Reasoner – Valdemar Danry et al.

2) Form groups

In addition, please take a look at the profiles of your colleagues on the course website so that we can start forming small teams of 2-3 people for the group projects.


Week 5: Somatic interfaces

1) Readings + Reflections

Submit your reflections (1/2 page) here

2) Mini design exercise

Add your slides here




Week 6: Interfacing with the brain

1) Final projects

Submit your plans for final projects here!

2) Readings + Reflections

Submit your reflections (1/2 page) here

3) Mini design exercise

Add your slides here


Week 7: Project Proposal #1

Student groups present designs for some sort of novel Cognitive Enhancement system. 

8~10 min each group (depending on people in group + discussions) 

Presentations are to cover:

  • What is the motivation? 
  • What is some related work and relevant background research?
  • What is the core idea? 
  • How could it be realized? 
  • Why should we care (usage scenarios)? 
  • How much of it can you get done by week 13?
  • What resources and devices are needed? 

1) Upload your group’s slides here by the end of class.

2) Please add in any comments and feedback for the projects here.


Week 10: Augmenting the Senses and Perception

1) Readings + Reflections

Pick one of these three academic articles to read: 
Pick one of these three pop-science videos/articles to read: 
Submit your reflections (1/2 page) here.

Week 11: Drugs and Gene Editing

Read these articles and submit a reflection here

Nootropics as Cognitive Enhancers: Types, Dosage and Side Effects of Smart Drugs

Cognitive Enhancement through Genetic Editing: a New Frontier to Explore (and to Regulate)?

Week 12: Ethical, Legal and Social Issues

Read the readings and submit reflections here!

Rather than doing a design exercise, we will start the class with each of you arguing for a policy related to any of the topics we have talked about in class.  We will use the same format where you upload slides here.

Each presentation should be a max of 3 minutes (plus a couple of minutes for questions/rebuttals) per person.

Your policy can be at any level (eg a policy for a school, workplace, government, etc). The most important part is that you take a clear stand about something related to cognitive augmentation technology, eg:

  • MIT should ban the use of generative AI in assignments
  • Devices which augment memory must pass a cybersecurity audit before they can be sold
  • Train operators and pilots should be required to use fatigue-monitoring technology